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Corona Virus Update

Our regular infection control measures guard against all previously known pathogens and are already operational on a daily basis at our practice.

It should be remembered that the dental practice environment already a very clean environment with regular use of masks, and wiping down surfaces, and is generally safer than other public areas. There is no evidence so far of Covid-19 transmission occurring at increased rates in dental practices, especially in dentists and their staff.

We have built our procedures on the guidance in the UK, but also from procedures and guidance implemented in other countries. We feel that our procedures and protocols will help to minimize risks to both patients and staff, and all of our clinical staff will also be complying with the new procotols.

Stay at home if you have either:

  • a high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your chest or back

  • a new, continuous cough – this means you’ve started coughing repeatedly

To find out what to do if you think you have symptoms, please visit Coronavirus symptom checker.

For up to date information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) visit the UK Department of Health and Social Care.

The NHS is well prepared for outbreaks of new infectious diseases and has put in place measures to ensure the safety of all patients and NHS staff while also ensuring services are available to the public as normal. 

What we are doing at SW1 Dental

  • New COVID-19 practice policy is implemented and all clinicians follow The Public Health England guidance on COVID-19 precocious

  • A new telephone script is implemented to screen for potential symptoms/concerns before the appointment

  • A notice board is at the reception states the information on COVID-19. All patients can read/screen symptoms before the appointment

  • Hand sanitisers are available for you at any time

  • All commonly used areas are wiped with disinfectant thoroughly at least twice a day. These include all door handles around the reception, lift buttons, card machines, etc.

  • All non-essentials (e.g magazines) are removed from the waiting areas to reduce the cross-contamination risk

  • Our hours of operation are reduced to avoid the rush hour – to maintain the safety of our patients and our staff

Friends, family and community spirit are critical at times like this. As we rise to this challenge, we thank you for your understanding and support!



0207 222 3002 



     Opening Hours

Monday-Friday      9 - 6pm

Saturday                9 - 2pm



         We are here

41-43 Great Peter Street

    London SW1P 3LT

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