Case 1
This patient lost all her teeth and came to our surgery asking for a fixed restoration. After bone grafting procedures and implant placement she was able to smile again and eat without being worried of her old uncomfortable removable denture. Dr Benigni

Case 2

This patient lost his front teeth because of a direct trauma. Two dental implants were inserted at the same time of the extractions and then restored with metal-free crowns. Dr Benigni
Case 3

This patient had no teeth in the upper jaw and an old dental bridge in the lower jaw. Four dental implants were placed in the maxilla and six implants in the mandible, after the extarctions of his decayed roots. He had two fixed bridges on implants, after a five months treatment. Dr Benigni
Case 4

This patient had trauma and lost his four upper front teeth. Two dental implants were placed to support a four unit porcelain bridge. Dr Benigni
Case 5

This patient lost her central incisor because of aggressive periodontitis (Gum disease). One dental Implant was placed and restored with a porcelain crown.
Dr Benigni
Case 6

This patient had a missing upper second premolar. One dental implant was placed and a porcelain crown cemented. Dr Benigni
Case 7

This patient had poor porgnosis of his two upper front teeth becuase of a history of trauma. He had two dental Implants, bone regenration, gum sculpting and then Implant porcelain crowns cemented. Dr Benigni
Case 7

This patient had poor prognosis of his two upper front teeth because of a history of trauma. He had two dental Implants, bone regeneration, gum sculpting and then Implant porcelain crowns cemented. Dr Benigni

This patient had many teeth extracted due to very poor oral hygiene. 6 implants have been inserted using the All-on Six® Technique and then restored with a fixed upper bridge. Dr Benigni
Case 8

This patient had many teeth extracted due to very poor oral hygiene. 6 implants have been inserted using the All-on Six® Technique and then restored with a fixed upper bridge. Dr Benigni
Case 8
Case 8

This patient had many teeth extracted due to very poor oral hygiene. 6 implants have been inserted using the All-on Six® Technique and then restored with a fixed upper bridge. Dr Benigni
Case 9

This patient required a full mouth restoration for multiple missing teeth due to generalized chronic gum disease. 6 implants have been placed in the maxilla and 6 implants in the mandible. The patient has then been restored with upper and lower fixed bridges. Dr Benigni
Case 10

This patient had 2 implants already in the mandible with ball attachments and a defective bridge on natural abutments in the maxilla. A new bridge on the natural abutments was made and 4 implants have been inserted in the mandible. The total 6 implants have been restored with a fixed Toronto Bridge. Dr Benigni